суббота, 26 мая 2012 г.

The James Cameron task

1)  James was a science geek.
I think he was  not a popular boy at school.

2) He love of science fiction actually seemed mirrored in the world around he, because what was happening , this was in the late 60s  he was going to the moon, he was exploring the deep oceans.

3)He  like drawing alien creatures, alien words, robots ,spaceships. He like to create image in his head  and transfer this picture on paper.  
He like diving and learn deep of ocean environment.
In my life studying is important activity.

 4)I have not seen «The Abyss» and «Terminator 2» . Cameron introduced there computer generated animation. There are a bit boring special effects.

5)About making  «Avatar»:  «This is going to be a whole new world » this was a whole new world of creativity for film artists. So ,I started a company with Stan Winston ,my good friend Stan Winston, who is the premier make-up and creature designer  at that time ,and it was called Digital Domain . And the concept of the company was that we would leapfrog past the analog processes of optical printers and so on, and we would go right to digital production. And we actually did that and it gave us a competitive advantage for a while. But we found ourselves lagging in the mid 90s in the creature and character design stuff that we had actually founded the company to do. So, I wrote this piece called «Avatar»  which was meant to absolutely push the envelope of visual effects, of CG effects, beyond,  with realistic human emotive characters generated in CG,  and the main characters would all be in CG, and the world would be in CG.»
About making «Titanic»: «I made this other movie about a big ships that’s sinks. You know , I went and pitched it to the studio as «Romeo and Juliet » on a ship : «It’s going to be this epic romance, passionate film .» Secretly, what I wanted to do was I wanted to dive to the real wreck of «Titanic.» And that’s why I made the movie. And that’s the truth. Now ,the studio didn’t know that. But I convinced them. I said, «We are going to dive to the wreck. We’re going to film it for real
James like more to imagine.

     a) curiosity
     b) respect of your team
     c) failure is not an opinion
     d) you have to be willing to take risk

понедельник, 14 мая 2012 г.

John French Sloan.Art.

Name: Sixth Avenue and Thirtieth Street, New York City
John Sloan, 1907
Sheet: 24 1/4 x 32 inches (61.6 x 81.3 cm)
Medium: oil on canvas
Country origin: made in United States, North and Central America
Current locations: Philadelphia Museum of Art

John French Sloan (August 2, 1871 – September 7, 1951) was an American artist. As a member of The Eight, he became a leading figure in the Ashcan School of realist artists. He was known for his urban genre painting and ability to capture the essence of neighborhood life in New York City, often through his window. I chose this picture because of atmosphere. If you consider for a moment you will see more than intoxicated woman. You will see contrast among social groups clearly showed by artist. It actually problem for every generation. 
Questions about book.

1) What is the name of the city where the events occurred ?

 2)Who was Colonel Aureliano Buendía ?

3)Between whom there was a war? 

воскресенье, 13 мая 2012 г.


questions and answers ( lesson 8)

1) I think that cameras inside  the court must be unallowed.

2) According to Jaffrey Toobin, yesterday in the U.S Supreme Court was discussed issue about Affordable Care Act and Obama Care. According to Toobin the judges were not buying that arguments.

3)The leader of the Roman Catholic Church Benedict XVI. The tone of the crowd waiting for Benedict in Mexico was happy and friendly. According to the report, Benedict urged Mexicans to rely on their faith in the battle to get rid of poverty and the violence. In my opinion , visiting of a religious leader was very important  for Mexico, because it help to people collect  their emotional strength .

4)Nelson Dellis use the mnemonic technique. The memorization technique featured in this report  is good but I just imagine a picture or anything else what I need to remember and it « technique »  help me.

vocabulary task (Lesson 5) 

Hideous- Ugly
Quiver- Tremble
Shudder-  Shaking
Linger- To remain
Flash- Came suddenly
Infinite- Endless
Verge- The edge
Burden- Loaded down
Melancholy- Sadness
Glisten- Shone
Seize- Picked up
Agony- Pain
Exquisite- Beautiful, excellent

суббота, 12 мая 2012 г.

 Консервная банка с долгим сроком годности 

В конце 40ых 20го века Германия помогала Соединенным Штатам преодолеть трудности Второй Мировой .Пайки с едой были жизненно необходимой частью попытки восстановиться ,но простой жир Свифта был не очень вкусным продуктом. Но это продукт с долгим сроком хранения.Консервная банка с красно-бело-голубой этикеткой сохранилась до наших дней в буфете Ганса Фельдмайера. Восьмидесятилетний химик на пенсии решил проверить съедобность этого жира.
(Цитата Ганса Фельдмайера с дубляжом на английском )"Я не открыл ее потому что  подумал что ситуация может стать хуже.Я надеюсь ,что мы никогда не вернемся в те тяжелые времена какие были после Второй Мировой Войны ,несмотря на финансовый кризис с которым мы столкнулись."
Эксперимент прошел с успехом .Ученые провели исследования в его родном городе ,в Ростоке, которые показали что жир был пригоден для еды , сохранили мистеру Фельдмайеру несколько драгоценных евро.Однако он потратился на буханку черного хлеба на которую Ганс
и ученые намазали этот жир и съели.Каково же это было на вкус?
(Цитата служащей Управления Сельского хозяйства,Пищевой Безопасности и Рыболовства с дубляжом на английском) "Я думала это будет тошнотворно,но это было не так. Я была совершенно удивлена ,что вкус не был отвратителный".Консервная банка показала отсутствие срока годности, но как говорили раньше :Если не попробуешь ,то не узнаешь на вкус.  

воскресенье, 12 февраля 2012 г.

Fugazi - Turnover - (Live 1991

Anonymous invites CIA, others to its weekend party

Anonymous is having a busy weekend.

The loose-knit hacking collective, which last week scored a coup against the FBI, claimed yesterday to have taken down the CIA's Web site, in what appeared to be a distributed denial of service attack (one of the group's specialties, such relatively unsophisticated attacks paralyze Web servers with waves of data requests).
The group also posted information it said was pilfered from police and government servers in Alabama, and, as blog RT reported, took down the Mexican Senate and Interior Ministry Web sites. It also said it had exposed e-mail addresses from the Mexican Mining Chamber, aka "Camimex."
Contacted by CNN last night, a CIA representative would say only, "We are aware of the problems accessing our Web site, and are working to resolve them." The site was back online Saturday.
In a Pastebin document posted Friday, Anonymous addressed the citizens of Alabama and said that "because of your police being lazy when it comes to data security," operatives for the group had managed to lift information on 46,000 Alabama residents, including their names, Social Security numbers, dates of birth, criminal records, and license plate numbers.
The group said its efforts were in protest of Alabama's House Bill 56, controversial immigration legislation that became law in the state last year. But the individuals responsible for the Pastebin post seemed to be aware that Anonymous' past leaking of personal information may not always have served its reputation and causes very well.
The document included heavily censored information on 500 people and said all of the stolen data had ultimately been erased.
"Attached to this press release are redacted versions of a VERY SMALL amount of data that we have actually acquired...," the post reads. "This release is only meant to show the Citizens of the state of Alabama the amount of incompetence that is taking place within the state government...We mean no harm by releasing this redacted information. This data was not securely segregated from the Internet, nor was it properly encrypted."
Meanwhile, the Mexico-related attacks were in response to, on the one hand, alleged exploitative labor conditions and business practices at Camimex, and on the other, according to RT, a proposed law that some are calling the Mexican version of the Stop Online Piracy Act, the outcry-inducing antipiracy proposal that recently grabbed headlines in the U.S. The Mexican proposal, RT reported, would allow for fines of 1 million pesos (more than $100,000) against online pirates.
RT reported that Mexico's Interior secretary, Alejandro Poire, said during a news conference that the Interior Ministry's Web site had been blocked for less than five minutes Friday morning, that no data was compromised, and that officials were investigating.
Anonymous embarrassed the FBI a week ago Friday by posting on YouTube a recording of a conference call between the bureau and U.K. law enforcement over Anonymous and other online activist groups.
The group makes a habit of targeting law enforcement and related agencies on Fridays. The same day as the FBI post, Anonymous claimed to have hacked into police sites in Texas, Boston, and Salt Lake City, as well as the site of defense lawyers for a U.S. Marine accused of leading a civilian massacre in Iraq. (This hacker chart lists much of Anonymous' activity since last year.)